As you can see on our page dedicated to this project, we are planning great results and working towards them, in order to provide a suitable support system for organizations, mentors and mentees involved.
Therefore, since April when we started and until now, not only we planned our steps but we made a whole study gathering precious information that will help us shape the rest of our work. Then we analysed the results and we planned the next step, a guide for youth professionals, for those people that are managing and supporting the mentor – mentee duo.
Keep close, we will publish more results (the study, the guide) in the following period and we promise they will be nice and useful.
Mentor – a strategic partnership in the field of youth co-financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Programme.
Curba de Cultură is looking for a Polish volunteer for a six months EVS in Izvoarele, a nice and cozy Romanian village.
Curba de Cultură focuses on teenagers and youth development. Our mission is to use non-formal education as a complementary method to the formal educational system for young people. We want to create the premises for a better development of the young people and their more suited integration within their respective communities. We want to make young people aware that they actively belong to their local and national culture.
We are looking for an 18-30 years old volunteer who has:
– motivation to live and work in rural area
– motivation to work with youngsters and children
– basic knowledge of English
The activities the volunteer would do, in a team, not alone, are:
– promoting non-formal learning and volunteering through presentations and activities
– non-formal learning activities with children in schools and with youngsters in the youth centre
– managing the library within the youth centre
– organizing foreign language classes and cultural events
– writing articles and blogposts
– reporting and documenting activities
Being an Erasmus+ project the volunteer would also receive:
– accommodation in a traditional Romanian house (but with wi-fi :P)
– pocket money and budget for food
– bus permits for local transport
– phone sim cards and monthly credit for it
– international travel costs up to 275 EUR reimbursed in the end of the stay
– Romanian language classes
– mentor support for personal development
– coordinator support for implementing activities
– complete medical insurance through Cigna Insurrance Plan
– Youthpass certificate
– two international trainings provided by the Romanian National Agency
– one internal training for nonformal education methods and communication techniques
– smiles and hugs 😉
Other details about the project:
Name: Active Youth in Rural Communities
Length: 6 months, November 2017 – April 2018
Location: Izvoarele, Prahova County, Romania (the historical region of Walachia)
Hosting Organization: Curba de Cultură
Sending/Coordinating organization: FRSP
If we caught your attention send us a CV and motivation letter at The deadline for applications is ongoing until the position is occupied.
Also if you want to know more do not hesitate to ask using the same e-mail.
P.S. Explore this webpage to find out more about the community, the work and the volunteers we host.
Deși e vorba de educație non-formală Comisia Europeană s-a gândit că totuși nu ar strica o formă de recunoaștere a celor învățate în cadrul unui proiect de mobilitate precum cele de tip EVS. Astfel s-a născut certificatul Youthpass, un certificat cu o valoare și o recunoaștere tot mai mare.
Even though is about non-formal education the European Commission decided that a form of recognition of the learning results in a mobility project, like the EVS ones could be more than welcomed. This is how the Youthpass certificate appeared and it gets a bigger and greater value year by year.
What exactly Youthpass is:
In short this is what Youthpass is and what it can give you at the end of a mobility. How you make it provide you with all these this is what you find out together with your mentor, in trainings, from your volunteers coordinator, project manager and from all the people involved in non-formal learning and Erasmus+ projects. What is certain is that it will prove its usefulness throughout your entire professional life.
Ce este mai exact Youthpass:
Pe scurt acesta e Youthpass și ceea ce îți aduce la final de mobilitate. Cum îl faci să îți dea toate acestea, asta afli împreună cu mentorul tău, în timpul unor cursuri, de la coordonatorul de voluntari, de la managerul de proiect, practic de la toți oamenii implicați în învățare non-formală și proiecte Erasmus+. ce e sigur, e că îți va dovedi utilitatea de-a lungul întregii tale vieți profesionale.