For a period of five days the office of Curba de Cultură turned into a film studio while the six volunteers were learning, from Alex Irimia, the art of create amazing videos meant to be thrill and challenge the youngsters of Romania and to determine them to go abroad, to take advantage of the opportunities European Union provides for young people and why not, to become themselves EVS volunteers.
Pentru o perioadă de cinci zile biroul de la Curba de Cultură s-a transformat într-un studio de film în timp ce cei șase voluntari au deprins de la Alex Irimia, arta de a crea video-uri menite să încânte și să provoace tinerii din România, mai mult să îi determine să călătorească, să profite de oportunitățile pe care Uniunea Europeană le oferă tinerilor și de ce nu, să devină ei înșiși voluntari EVS.
This training not just gave them the abilities to deliver results for the project but also brought them fun and skills which they can use their entire life, in future professions or as a hobby.
Acest curs nu doar că le-a dat abilitățile de a livra rezultate în cadrul proiectului dar a adus și multă distracție și abilități pe care ei le pot folosi întreaga viață, pentru profesii viitoare ori ca hobby.
Until then, we are eagerly waiting to show you the results of their work.
Până atunci și noi așteptăm cu nerăbdare să vă arătăm rezultatele muncii lor.
Pentru câteva momente și voluntarii găzduiți de noi s-au simțit din nou elevi, participând la festivitatea de deschidere a anului școalar 2015-2016.
For few moments the vounteers hosted by us felt pupils again, by taking part in the festivities of the Opening of a new School Year.
După participarea la ceremoniile de deschidere a anului școalar la Școala Gimnazială Traian Savulescu în Izvoarele și la Școala Generală din Schiulești, voluntarii au făcut câteva comparații cu ceea ce se întâmplă în țările lor cu aceeași ocazie.
After taking part in the ceremonies in Școala Gimnazială Traian Savulescu in Izvoarele and in Școala Generală in Schiulești, the volunteers made some comparisons with the ceremonies in their countries.
“One difference is the fact that we start school earlier then children in Romania – Polish children start the new school year at 1st September.” (Ania – Poland)
“The main difference between the ceremonies is that in Estonia we don’t see the priest on the first on the first day of school” (Liina – Estonia)
“Guten Morgen they can hear the teacher saying and here it goes – let the next school year begin!” (Hanna – Germany)
“It was similar to what we do in our country, just with a lot more accent put on religion” (Kristijan – Macedonia)
Spor la învățătură!
De acum înainte în fiecare vineri de la ora 17.00 Liina și Ania vă așteaptă la Curba de Cultură pentru un eveniment intitulat English Speaking Meeting – Întâlnirea de vorbit engleză. Cele două fete vor pregăti de fiecare dată jocuri și activități interesante menite să vă provoace să discutați subiecte variate și să vă reducă teama de a folosi cunoștințele de limbă engleză.
From now on, every Friday at 17,00 Liina and Ania are waiting for you at Curba de Cultură for an event named English Speaking Meeting. Every time the girls will prepare games and interesting activities meant to provoke you to discuss varied topics and to reduce your fear o use your English knowledge.
Cele câteva poze de la prima întâlnire sper să vă convingă că merită să treceți măcar odată pe aici.
The few pictures presented bellow will convince you, I hope that it worth stopping by at least once.
When you are an EVS volunteer, you have an On Arrival Training with other volunteers in your hosting country. The goal of it is to learn more about the country and to become prepared for the rest of your volunteering period.
My training took place last week in a beautiful town in the mountains, in the middle of Romania, called Predeal. I won’t speak about the training itself but about EVS and how is to be a volunteer.
I came with my colleagues there on the Sunday evening and we were welcome by one of the trainers who showed us the rooms. I shared it with a guy from my project, that I already knew, and with two Turkish boys. Then I came to the restaurant to eat, and I discovered a lot of young people from different countries – Turkey, Uruguay, Poland, United Kingdom, Germany, Estonia, Macedonia, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and one other French guy. All of them were speaking and laughing together. At this moment I thought “Ok, it’s the place where I want to be, let’s go !”. This moment me and my friends from the same project split up to sit in random places and started to speak with the others.
We all met a lot of new volunteers and joined to new groups of friends! It was so easy to speak with others because we were all in the similar situation – Every one of us came to Romania from our home countries to meet other people, to share with them new experiences and to have fun together. During one week we were making a lot of jokes, comparing our countries and cultures, having discussions how is it for us in Romania, with our projects and what we have done till now…
Every night we were staying together till the midnight, listening to music from all around the world and playing the guitar. We had also an international night where we were in groups by country and we had to present funny animation connected with our traditions and culture. Now I know how to dance Turkish dance, play Polish games, sing German songs or drink Spanish sangria… We were all very glad to share something about our countries with the others and happy to discover some parts of their cultures.
At the end of the week I couldn’t imagine that it’s over. I decided to spend more time with my new friends and we went together to explore another Romanian city – Brașov. After having a lot of fun during the day, it turned out that it’s not enough for us … so the decision what to do next came very quickly – we took the train to go to the capital! I spent the night in the place of my new friend which I met just five days earlier. I couldn’t see myself making such spontaneous decision ever before.
For me, this story explains how it is to be an EVS volunteer – it means meeting people, travelling, discovering a country, deciding in the last minute to go there or here because you have the opportunity to do that, don’t really have plan, just follow what life proposes to you. I know that I will definitely see the others. I can go to their cities in Romania or maybe even visit them in their home countries! I am definitely ready to go everywhere I can during my free time and have experiences that I have never had before and maybe that I will never have again.
French Volunteer in Romania