The beginning of the school year


The beginning of the school year

12027380_308108289313466_1631718452425588011_oPentru câteva momente și voluntarii găzduiți de noi s-au simțit din nou elevi, participând la festivitatea de deschidere a anului școalar 2015-2016.

For few moments the vounteers hosted by us felt pupils again, by taking part in the festivities of the Opening of a new School Year.

După participarea la ceremoniile de deschidere a anului școalar la Școala Gimnazială Traian Savulescu în Izvoarele și la Școala Generală din Schiulești, voluntarii au făcut câteva comparații cu ceea ce se întâmplă în țările lor cu aceeași ocazie.

11062771_308108285980133_3058944671128624920_oAfter taking part in the ceremonies in Școala Gimnazială Traian Savulescu in Izvoarele and in Școala Generală in Schiulești, the volunteers made some comparisons with the ceremonies in their countries.

“One difference is the fact that we start school earlier then children in Romania – Polish children start the new school year at 1st September.” (Ania – Poland)

“The main difference between the ceremonies is that in Estonia we don’t see the priest on the first on the first day of school” (Liina – Estonia)

Guten Morgen they can hear the teacher saying and here it goes – let the next school year begin!” (Hanna – Germany)

“It was similar to what we do in our country, just with a lot more accent put on religion” (Kristijan – Macedonia)

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