Sfaturi pentru viitorii voluntari – Advice for future volunteers


Sfaturi pentru viitorii voluntari – Advice for future volunteers

DSC_0110Cei patru voluntari despre care v-am tot povestit în toate articolele acestui site au fost primii voluntari găzduiți de Curba de Cultură, dar nu vor fi și ultimii, deoarece dorim ca acest lucru să devină o tradiție pentru organizație și pentru comunitatea izvoarană. Așadar i-am rugat pe cei patru să elaboreze un “manual” al vieții de voluntar, care să conțină sfaturi practice și care să fie completat de fiecare generație de voluntari care va veni la Curba de Cultură.

Vom reda câteva dintre sfaturi, varianta integrală regăsindu-se la sediul asociației.

We’ve been talking in the articles of this webpage about our four volunteers. They were the very first volunteers hosted by Curba de Cultura, but definitely they aren’t the last ones, because we wish that hosting EVS volunteers to become a tradition for the community and the organization. So we asked the four volunteers to elaborate a “manual” of volunteering life with practical advice, a manual which will be improved by every generation of volunteers.

Bellow you can see some of the advice, the full version is to be found at the organization headquarters.

Hey there new volunteers!

Welcome to Schiulești, the best village you could find to spend your EVS. If still you are not afraid to stay here, better start to be … or you can take some of our advice and nothing bad will happen. We will guide you how to deal with things here. Possibly, they are very different from those you left behind in your country. 

But hey, keep your smile on, something amazing just started in your life. And one more thing – Congratulation for taking the decision to come here. Good decision.

“Rules” of EVS life:

  1. Go outside your comfort zone. The best things are waiting for you at the end of it.
  2. Be prepared for not being prepared in many situations.
  3. Take your own initiatives- you can create something amazing.
  4. You may have problems, but do not concentrate only on them.  It’s simple – every problem has a solution. Everything depends on how you see and live things. Don’t forget “there is also Good in this World” – Mr Frodo
  5. Be ready for many misunderstandings.
  6. Find the thing which will help you to stay motivated. There is a reason why you decided to come here, don’t forget it in the meantime.
  7. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You are a human and humans make mistakes from time to time.
  8. Organize something great. Here you have the chance and the support to do it.
  9. Local volunteers are cool and they can really help you
  10. Remember: NO regrets in life. Just lessons learned.

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