The renovation of the youth Centre in Teisani – Renovarea Centrului de Tineret din Teisani

ByDanelle Sciberras

The renovation of the youth Centre in Teisani – Renovarea Centrului de Tineret din Teisani

During these last three weeks I was part of a team that helped renovate a kindergarten school to a youth centre. A lot of work had to be done, physical work mostly. When I arrived there, they had already started with scratching the walls. Truthfully I was a bit glad because it looked like it took a lot of time and energy to do so. There were a lot of tasks that had to be done; the first task that I had to learn, because I had no idea what I was doing, was putting cement on the wall. It was super hard the first try, most of the cement ended on my clothes and the floor rather than on the wall. 

After the cement dried, the next task was to plaster the wall with glett twice. It was a bit frustrating because we had to try covering the cement that was grey with white glett which was super hard to straighten out. There were lines everywhere and they were fast. The second layer of glett was even harder because it had to be thin and smooth in order not to sand a lot afterwards. It was hard but I liked doing it although my clothes weren’t happy, they were full of glett. After two layers of glett we had to start sanding to make the walls smooth. I thought the sanding part would not be hard but I was wrong, it was super difficult because the dust kept getting in your eyes even though I was wearing glasses to protect them. During the last week I was also helping another volunteer with the tiles in the bathroom. I like it because it requires precision and the machine was quite fun to use to cut the tiles with. Last part was painting the rooms with white paint. The ceiling was the hardest to paint because the paint was falling from the brush to the floor and on my clothes. I have a lot of pictures with specs of paint on my face, it was really funny. 

Although it was a hard task to do and sometimes frustrating, I am really glad that I was part of the team. I was not seeing the whole picture until I saw the finish line. I have learnt so many new skills and I loved meeting new volunteers. It was really fun working together. I am looking forward to using the youth centre for activities in the near future for youths and I am really happy that now they have a place to go to learn and have fun at the same time.

Now I can say that I am ready to build my own house in the future and to call all volunteers who were involved to help me!

In ultimele 3 saptamani am facut parte dintr-o echipa care a ajutat la renovarea  unei foste gradinite intr-un centru de tineret. Foarte multa munca a fost depusa, in special munca fizica. Cand am ajuns aici, deja incepusera cu reparatul peretilor. Sincer m-am bucurat pentru ca parea ca o buna parte din munca cea mai grea fusese deja facuta. Totusi erau o gramada de sarcini ce necesitau sa fie facute, prima pe care am invatat sa o fac a fost cimentarea peretilor. A fost greu la inceput si mare parte din ciment a ajuns mai degraba pe hainele mele si pe podea decat pe pereti.

Dupa ce  cimentul s-a uscat, urmatoarea sarcina a fost tencuirea peretilor cu glet, de doua ori. A fost frustrant pentru ca incercam sa acoperim cat mai bine cimentul gri, cu gletul care era alb in asa fel incat sa fie neted. Erau denivelari peste tot si a fost greu de nivelat. Al doilea strat de glet a fost chiar mai greu, fiind si mai subtire si greu de intins uniform. A fost o munca destul de grea, dar m-am bucurat facand-o cu toate ca mi am murdarit hainele. Dupa gletuirea peretilor a fost nevoie sa slefuim tot cat sa nu se observe denivelari in pereti. Credeam ca partea asta urma sa fie cea mai usoara, dar m-am inselat, pentru ca tot praful intra in ochi, cu toate ca purtam ochelari de ultima saptamana am ajutat alt voluntar, cu montatul gresiei din baie. Partea aceasta a fost destul de placuta pentru ca implica destula precizie si nu a fost o treaba grea manevratul masinii de taiat gresie. Ultima parte a fost sa zugravim interiorul. Tavanul a fost cel mai greu de zugravit, pentru ca pica vopseaua pe haine sip e podea. Am cateva poze care descriu mai bine situatia. 

Cu toate ca a fost munca grea si uneori frustranta, chiar ma bucur ca am facut parte din aceasta echipa. Nu am vazut iaginea de ansamblu pana nu am terminat tot. Am invatat sa duc la capat niste sarcini pe care pana acum nu ma gandeam ca le pot face, si m-am bucurat sa intalnesc cu voluntarii noi. A fost distractiv sa lucram impreuna. Abia astept sa folosim centrul pentru activitati cu tinerii si copiii si sunt foarte fericita ca acum o sa aiba un loc unde sa vina si sa invete, dar sis a se distreze.

Acum pot spune ca sunt pregatita sa imi construiesc singura casa in viitor si ca voi chema voluntarii implicate sa ma ajute!

About the author

Danelle Sciberras

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